Does Masturbating Before Athletics Affect Performance?


The topic of masturbation and its impact on athletic performance has long been a subject of curiosity and debate. Some believe that engaging in sexual activity before sports can negatively affect performance, while others argue that it has no significant influence. In this blog, we will explore the scientific aspects of this topic and shed light on whether masturbating before athleticism can truly impact performance.

Does Masturbating Before Athletics Affect Performance?

Understanding the Physiology

To comprehend the potential effects of masturbation on athletic performance, it is important to understand the physiological changes that occur during and after sexual activity.

Hormonal Release: During sexual arousal and orgasm, the body releases various hormones, including dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins. These hormones play a role in pleasure and relaxation, which can have both positive and negative impacts on athletic performance.

Energy Expenditure: Masturbation, like any physical activity, requires energy. While the energy expended during masturbation is not significant, it could potentially impact an athlete's overall energy levels before engaging in rigorous athletic activities.

The Mental Aspect

Apart from the physiological changes, the mental state of an athlete also plays a crucial role in performance. Here are a few psychological factors to consider:

Focus and Distraction: Engaging in sexual activity, including masturbation, can affect an athlete's focus and concentration. It may divert attention away from the upcoming athletic event, potentially leading to a decrease in performance.

Psychological Benefits: On the other hand, sexual activity can also have positive psychological effects, such as stress reduction and relaxation. These benefits can contribute to improved performance in some individuals.

Scientific Studies and Findings

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the potential impact of sexual activity, including masturbation, on athletic performance. Here are some notable findings:

Testosterone Levels: Testosterone is an important hormone that plays a role in muscle development and performance. Some studies suggest that abstinence from sexual activity, including masturbation, can temporarily increase testosterone levels. However, the increase is generally minimal and short-lived.

Strength and Endurance: A study published in the Frontiers in Physiology found no significant differences in strength and endurance between athletes who masturbated before exercise and those who abstained.

Mental Focus: Research published in the Phys Sportsmed suggests that the relationship between sexual activity and mental focus varies among individuals. While some athletes reported feeling more focused after sexual activity, others experienced a decrease in concentration.

Considerations for Athletes

When it comes to masturbation and athletic performance, individual experiences and preferences play a significant role. Here are a few considerations for athletes:

Personal Experience: Some athletes may find that masturbation before athleticism has no adverse effects on their performance, while others may feel a decrease in focus or energy levels. It is important to listen to your body and understand how sexual activity affects you personally.

Timing: If an athlete decides to masturbate before an athletic event, timing is crucial. Engaging in sexual activity too close to the event may result in fatigue or distraction. It is recommended to allow sufficient time for recovery and to ensure that energy levels are replenished.

Individual Differences: What works for one athlete may not work for another. Each person's response to sexual activity can vary, so it is essential to experiment and determine what feels right for you.


The impact of masturbating before athleticism remains a subjective and individualized topic. While scientific research suggests that the effects may be minimal, athletes should consider their own experiences and preferences. Some individuals may find that sexual activity, including masturbation, has no significant impact on their performance, while others may prefer to abstain. Ultimately, the decision should be based on personal comfort, energy levels, and mental focus. Remember, what matters most is finding a balance that allows you to perform at your best and enjoy your athletic pursuits.